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OTL#724 - Dave Ebert

Consulant for Discovery Channel's "Shark Week," author, scientist, and who himself has discovered over 50 different spiecies of Sharks....Dave Ebert is one of the world’s foremost exports on Sharks, and we welcome his return to the Off The Lip Radio Show

OTL#720 - Rosemary Chalmers

Rosemary took a chance on TC and let us air the Off the Lip Radio Show from Santa Cruz Radio Station KSCO. Sadly the entire staff of the station including Rosemary were let go with the station closing 12/31/2022… We asked her to be our guest, as to where her future lies.

OTL#718 - Phil Musumeci & Sean Rovai

Phil’s “Sol Surfer” brand returns after 20 years, on this show with his good friend Sean Rovai and sponsor of the show, who talked insurance specifically Medicare and Fire Insurance in Santa Cruz County.